Цей плагін не перевірявся з останніми 3-ма основними випусками WordPress. Можливо, він більше не може розроблятися або підтримуватися, і він може мати проблеми сумісності при використанні з більш новими версіями WordPress.

WordPress Hashtags


WP Hashtags is a WordPress Hashtags plugin which allows you to easily fetch hashtags and parse them as links in post content, title, widget content and title, bbPress topics/replies, and buddyPress acitivity streams and updates. Comes with a useful shortcode you can use for parsing hashtags.


Basically you add the feature to turn a hash plain text into a link. So far with the initial release, you can recognize and parse hashtags in:

  • Найменування посади
  • Вміст запису
  • Назва віджета
  • Widget content
  • Comment text
  • bbPress topics
  • bbPress replies
  • BuddyPress activity streams and status updates
  • Короткі коди

    As an additional feature, we support shortcodes, and you can use [wp-hashtag] to parse a hashtag. An example use is [wp-hashtag]#WordPress[/wp-hashtag], give it a try!

    For support topics please use the plugin’s dedicated support forum here on WordPress. Otherwise if you want to let us know anything, you can drop us few lines through our contact page.


    • Admin settings page


    • Install and activate the plugin:
    1. Upload the plugin to your plugins directory, or use the WordPress installer.
    2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.


    Works wonderfully, picks up just the hashtag, not any extra characters. Default behavior searches Twitter for hashtag, but super-easy to change it to search my site by changing the Hashtag URL in settings to “http://example.com/?s=%23[hashtag]”.
    03.09.2016 1 reply
    Great plugin, it works fine, even with french accents. Thank you!
    This plugin was just what i needed for converting plain text Hashtags into real links. Works perfectly for me.
    Works with any theme, light plugin for parsing hashtags from plain text into links! Samuel
    Прочитати всі 4 відгуки

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    • Fixed encoding issues related to RegEx, thanks Georgio @ https://wordpress.org/support/topic/2927262


    • Fixed an issue related to RSS feeds.


    • Fixed several bugs related to the encoding throwing bad characters and replacing text.. Special thanks for the folks who reported this and contacted me
    • Improved settings script


    • Fixed a little bug of converting HTML entities into hashtags as they contain hashes when encoded.


    • Removed an undefined function left in the man plugin file by mistake


    • Added a useful filter wpht_filter_content in case you wanted to exclude some posts or pages or whatsoever, making it extensible.


    • Fixed bugs originally reported by Javi (Arutam). New release allows the plugin to ignore hashes from inline CSS styles and other markup attributes, so as to parse only plain and valid hashtags. Thanks Javi!


    • Initial release.