Позначка плагіну: Testimonial
Enquir3 Testimonial
(0 загальний рейтинг)Display testimonials from the Enquir3 system in a simple overview widget.
Monadic Addons For Elementor
(0 загальний рейтинг)Monadic Addons plugin is the free plugin for Elementor.
Client Testimonials Feedback
(0 загальний рейтинг)Use this plugin to get client testimonial feedback slider and listing in your wordpress.
WP Client Testimonials
(1 загальний рейтинг)This plugin allows you to create and display testimonials on multiple Styles.
Fast Testimonial
(0 загальний рейтинг)Fast Testimonial is a responsive WordPress Plugin.You can install it easily with a shortcode([fast-testimonial]). You can change testimonial author im …
SM Testimonial Slider
(0 загальний рейтинг)SM Testimonials is a Testimonial Slider Plugin Use for Display Testimonial Slider Using Shortcode
(0 загальний рейтинг)VNTestimonial is a clean, easy-to-use and Powerful Testimonials Management System for WordPress that allows you to manage and display Testimonials.
Zidithemes Testimonials
(0 загальний рейтинг)Zidithemes Testimonials is designed to improve the layout of client testimonials, team, profile and works with the Gutenberg editor.