Позначка плагіну: snow
(0 загальний рейтинг)Lad det sne på din hjemmeside og skab en rigtig hyggelig jule- og vinterstemning hos dine besøgende. Aktiver plugin og lad det sne på hele hjemmeside …
Contact Form 7: ServiceNow Incidents integration
(0 загальний рейтинг)ServiceNow Incident reporting integration for Contact Form 7 forms.
(0 загальний рейтинг)The simplest, lightest, most calming, holiday inspiring falling snow WordPress Plugin ever created.
Improved Let It Snow!
(3 загальний рейтинг)Upload the plugin folder to your plugin directory and activate to see falling snow on your blog.
Screen Snow
(2 загальний рейтинг)Screen Snow is a plugin that add snow effect to the wordpress site.
Awesome Snowfall Animation
(1 загальний рейтинг)Awesome Snowfall Animation plugin will be get awesome looking in your website .
SnowFlurry Live – Sync with Current Snowfall
(0 загальний рейтинг)Add an animated snow effect to your website based on live weather conditions anywhere in the world.
Christmas Snow Effects
(0 загальний рейтинг)This plugin adds a fun snow effect to your WordPress site, including a Santa Claus moving from left to right and right to left.