Позначка плагіну: post layout
Blog Filter – розширена фільтрація записів за категоріями або позначками, галерея портфоліо записів, шаблон дизайну блогу, макет запису в блозі
(74 загальний рейтинг)Blog Filter: Effortlessly organize posts with grid designs, masonry layouts, and category/tag filters. Create stunning post portfolios and galleries.
FancyPost – Best Ultimate Post Block, Post Grid, Layouts, Carousel, Slider For Gutenberg & Elementor
(6 загальний рейтинг)FancyPost provides Advanced Post Block, grids, layouts, carousels, and sliders for Gutenberg & Elementor. Includes featured posts and featured slider
Surprise post grid
(0 загальний рейтинг)Surprise post grid for WordPress is the most advanced blog posts listing plugin that quickly allows you to display blog posts on your website with bea …
Post Showcase
(0 загальний рейтинг)Post Showcase is a simple and easy to use plugin that allows you to display your posts in a grid layout.
Smart Post Block
(0 загальний рейтинг)A powerful Gutenberg block plugin for post layouts, post design, news magazine layouts, and blog post styling.