Позначка плагіну: payment gateways
Country Based Payments for WooCommerce
(12 загальний рейтинг)Choose which payment gateway will be available in country/countries.
WooCommerce Flutterwave Payment Gateway
(5 загальний рейтинг)WooCommerce Flutterwave payment gateway plugin allows you to accept payment on your WooCommerce store through multiple payment channels via Flutterwav …
Viva Payments – Viva Wallet WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(13 загальний рейтинг)Woocommerce Viva Payments – Viva Wallet payment gateway plug-in.
Fake Pay For WooCommerce
(8 загальний рейтинг)A simple pass-through WooCommerce payment gateway that can be used for testing orders with an admin account.
WooCommerce Disable Payment Methods based on cart conditions
(14 загальний рейтинг)Enable or disable WooCommerce payment gateways based on cart conditions like the order total.
Conditional Payments and Shipping for WooCommerce
(3 загальний рейтинг)A simplistic plugin for excluding shipping methods based on multiple rules such as shipping class, package weight and cart totals.
Payment Gateways by Shipping for WooCommerce
(3 загальний рейтинг)Set "enable for shipping methods" for WooCommerce payment gateways.
Sandbox Payment Gateway for WooCommerce
(1 загальний рейтинг)WooCommerce plugin to test the checkout with fake payments.
Monetbil – Mobile Money Gateway for WooCommerce
(0 загальний рейтинг)This is the Mobile Money payment gateway for WooCommerce.
Remita Woocommerce Payment Plugin
(2 загальний рейтинг)Remita Woocommerce Payment Plugin allows you to accept payment on your Woocommerce store via Visa Cards, Mastercards, Verve Cards, eTranzact, PocketMo …
Allpay AIO for WooCommerce
(2 загальний рейтинг)Allpay/ECpay AIO for WooCommerce allows you to accept payment on your Woocommerce store via Allpay payment gateway in Taiwan.
Voguepay WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(7 загальний рейтинг)Voguepay WooCommerce Payment Gateway allows you to accept payment on your WooCommerce store via Visa Card, MasterCard and Verve Card.
Interswitch Webpay WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(1 загальний рейтинг)Interswitch Webpay WooCommerce Payment Gateway allows you to accept payment on your WooCommerce store via Interswitch Webpay payment gateway.
SADDED By SADAD Payment Gateway
(0 загальний рейтинг)This pluging of WooCommerce will enable SADDED By SADAD Payment Gateway option to your store.
PaySwitch TheTeller WooCommerce Payment Gateway
(0 загальний рейтинг)Theteller payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce.
Shetab Card Field For WooCommerce
(0 загальний рейтинг)Adding a field for receiving Shetab card number for WooCommerce
eCheck Processing eCheckProcessing.com
(0 загальний рейтинг)The eCheck Processing plugin works with WooCommerce and our own eCheckProcessing.com Gateway to process electronic check payments on your website.
Remita Easy Digital Downloads Payment Plugin
(0 загальний рейтинг)Remita Easy Digital Downloads Payment Plugin allows you to accept payment on your Easy Digital Downloads store via Visa Cards, Mastercards, Verve Card …