Позначка плагіну: abuse
hCaptcha for WP
(62 загальний рейтинг)Enables hCaptcha integration with WordPress and popular plugins.
WordPress Report Brute Force Attacks and Login Protection ReportAttacks Plugins
(2 загальний рейтинг)Report login brute force attacks and improve login protection and security. Firewall Included.
WP Ban Manager
(0 загальний рейтинг)WP Ban Manager enables you to block ips and users from posting comments to your site
Compassionate Comments
(1 загальний рейтинг)Encourages authors of toxic comments to re-phrase them to be more kind instead.
(0 загальний рейтинг)"АнтилайкаUA" is a plugin for censoring profane words and expressions. It is intended solely for articles. Often sites allow articles to be …