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Capitalize Text Input


Aren’t you tired of rewriting the titles of your posts pasted in uppercase?

This small but useful plugin, adds a small button in admin input form to convert title in Proper case, when you edit your post (or page).

We’re working to add more different features, such as “all lowercase”, or “UPPERCASE” or a “Capitalize All Words” option. Let us know your suggestions in Support Area.


Sei stufo di riscrivere i titoli dei tuoi post incollati in lettere maiuscole?

Questo piccolo ma utile plugin aggiunge un piccolo pulsante per convertire i titoli dei tuoi post (o delle tue pagine) in formato corretto.

Stiamo lavorando per aggiungere altre opzioni, come “tutto minuscolo”, o “MAIUSCOLA” o l’opzione “Tutte Le Iniziali Maiuscole”. Scrivete i vostri suggerimenti nella Support Area.

Tested up to/Testato fino alle versioni:


No special features, yet.

Translations in your language

  • English
  • Italian (it_IT)


Se ritieni ci sia un problema puoi segnalarcelo anche su GitHub

If you find an issue, let us know here!


Anyone is welcome to contribute to the plugin. There are various ways you can contribute:

Raise an issue on GitHub.

Send us a Pull Request with your bug fixes and/or new features.

Provide feedback and suggestions on enhancements.

Translate the plugin into your language. You can download the latest .po/.mo file here.


  • To change che case of the text input press the right side button.
  • As simple as possible…


Steps to install this plugin.

  1. In the downloaded zip file, there is a folder with name ‘capitalize-text-input’
  2. Upload the ‘capitalize-text-input’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Read the usage instructions in the description.

Часті питання

To do


I think this is a good plugin. The button mentioned show right up! But I guess it was not quite what I am looking for. My Page and Post Titles show up proper case (First letter of a sentence capitalized) during edit. But when I preview the site, every thing is still capitalized! The logo title is in all caps, the page and post Titles are in all caps. I wish there was a way to get proper casein these three areas when in preview mode. please let me know. thanks!
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“Capitalize Text Input” — проект з відкритим вихідним кодом. В розвиток плагіну внесли свій вклад наступні учасники:


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Журнал змін

0.2 – 2021/09/14

  • WordPress 5.8.1 compatibility check

0.1 – 2015/09/13

  • Initial version of plugin