Цей плагін не перевірявся з останніми 3-ма основними випусками WordPress. Можливо, він більше не може розроблятися або підтримуватися, і він може мати проблеми сумісності при використанні з більш новими версіями WordPress.

Arha Routes


WordPress plugin that helps to serve content through REST routes and gives
customizability to developers through filters.

Available Routes

  • /wp-json/arha/v1/post
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/page
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/options
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/archive

Example queries

  • /wp-json/arha/v1/post?post_type=POST_TYPE&slug=SLUG
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/page?path=PATH
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/options
  • /wp-json/arha/v1/archive?post_type=POST_TYPE&posts_per_page=POSTS_PER_PAGE&paged=PAGED&orderby=ORDERBY&order=ORDER

tax_query and meta_query in archive-route

  • tax_query and meta_query are supported and they work how the query is built for it in new WP_Query()
  • both needs their values to bes passed in as stringified json

Multiple post_types in archive-route

  • To pass multiple post_types in archive-route, use syntax that lets PHP read GET-param as an array. https://stackoverflow.com/a/9547490


  • To exclude querying specific post types from post– and archive-routes, you
    can use following filters:

    add_filter(‘arha_routes/archive_excluded_post_types’, ‘exclude_post_types’);
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/post_excluded_post_types’, ‘exclude_post_types’);

function exclude_post_types($excluded_post_types) {
$excluded_post_types = [‘post’];
return $excluded_post_types;

  • To format post-route’s post before it’s served to client, use arha_routes/format_post-filter
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/format_post’, ‘format_post’);

function format_post($post) {
return $post;

  • To format page-route’s post before it’s served to client, use arha_routes/format_page-filter
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/format_page’, ‘format_page’);

function format_page($page) {
return $page;

  • To format archive-route’s posts before they are served to client, use arha_routes/format_archive_post-filter

    add_filter('arha_routes/format_archive_post', 'format_archive_post');
    function format_archive_post($post) {
    return $post;

  • options-route returns empty result by default. To add content to it, use arha_routes/format_options-filter
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/format_options’, ‘format_options’);

function format_options($options) {
return $options;

  • By default Arha Routes returns only published content with post-, page- and archive-route, this can be modified by adding following filters.
    // for archive route
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/allowed_post_statuses_archive’, ‘allowed_post_statuses’);
    // for post route
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/allowed_post_statuses_post’, ‘allowed_post_statuses’);
    // for page route
    add_filter(‘arha_routes/allowed_post_statuses_page’, ‘allowed_post_statuses’);
    function allowed_post_statuses($post_statuses) {
    // … change post_statuses array

    return $post_statuses;
    After adding setting up these filters, request can include “post_status” parameter and it will be compared to $post_statuses array.


Arha Routes supports SearchWP-plugin, which lets WP users to make keyword search engine for their content.

Activating SearchWP-plugin adds optional keyword-search functionality to archive-route. This is done by adding s=KEYWORD to the route
– Example: /wp-json/arha/v1/archive?post_type=products&posts_per_page=10&paged=1&orderby=date&order=ASC&s=monitor


Arha Routes supports Polylang-plugin, which allows users to create content in multiple languages.

Activating Polylang changes how endpoints work:

  • All routes require additional lang-param
    • Example: /wp-json/arha/v1/archive?post_type=products&posts_per_page=10&paged=1&orderby=date&order=ASC&lang=en
  • page-route doesn’t support language prefix in path
    • Example: Permalink /zh/info, use like this /wp-json/arha/v1/page?path=/info&lang=zh
    • Example: Permalink /en/info/test, use like this /wp-json/arha/v1/page?path=/info/test&lang=zh
  • options-route passes lang-param forward to arha_routes/format_options-filter
    add_filter('arha_routes/format_options', 'format_options', 10, 2);
    function format_options($options, $lang) {
    return $options;

Polylang + SearchWP

In order to make these two plugins work together, you need to add extra plugin to WP installation.



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