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Advanced Custom Fields: Restrict Color Picker Options


Restrict Advanced Custom Fields color picker field to a specific subset of custom colors. Removes the color wheel and slider from the field UI so the user can’t pick any other colors


Include the color palette from the current theme by enabling the option on the plugin settings page.

Get the current color options palette in your template code with the acfrcpo_get_color_options function.


  • Comma-separated list of HEX color values used to define the color options. Optionally include the current theme’s color palette as well.
  • Simple color swatches allow the user to easily choose from your color set.


  1. Upload acf-restrict-color-picker to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

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Журнал змін


  • Bug fix: Adds check for false return from get_theme_support (Thanks @faketib0 and Dan Mensinger!)


  • Adds option to include the current theme’s colors. Thank you to @mrwweb for this idea!
  • Adds acfrcpo_get_color_options function to get the current color palette. Thank you to @badjesus for the feature request!


  • Fixes $l10n parameter syntax in wp_localize_script.


  • Finally fixes long standing issue with multiple instances of color pickers.


  • Change the plugin name to better match similar plugins in the ACF world.


  • First version of the plugin